We volunteer every 3rd Tuesday with Laundry Love (laundrylove.org) to provide laundry services to people with low and no income. This is supported solely by donations. Donations may be sent to St. Michael’s office or placed in the collection basket in your parish (checks can be made out to St Michael's/memo line Laundry Love).
We support the Chum Warming Center by volunteering and collecting warm clothing, etc. Our homeless are desperately in need of warm socks, mittens and gloves. Please place donations in the green bin at St. Michael’s entry.
Beginning March 8th and every 2nd Saturday we will be prepping and serving the evening meal at Damiano from 1:30 to 6PM.
If you are seeking a way to truly live the gospel in a simple way, please join us! Contact Gina at: 218-428-1392 for meeting locations which rotate between our 3 parishes.